Friday, August 31, 2007

Believe this?

Slate V has been posting short videos where audience reaction is charted over what they are viewing (see the squiggly lines in the image of Vick's apology). Another Slate video "reports" reaction to Hillary Clinton's first ad. The surveys were done by MediaCurves. Survey info is given at the start of the videos. For the "ad," 450 people were monitored. Enough to generalize? Probably not...

Egyptian blogger wins Knight award

Wael Abbas' Misrdigital, which he refers to as a weekly e-newspaper, was recognized for its hard-hitting journalistic style.

Dubai: Whether people realise its influence or not, acknowledge it or not, internet has not only became a vital instrument in communication, but also a field of competition for journalists in 'traditional' media outlets. ...

Last Friday, Abbas, a blogger, received an e-mail message notifying him of being the first blogger ever winning an award for the blog he began in mid- 2004.

Abbas was named, along with a Myanmarese investigative reporter, as the 2007 Knight International Journalism Award winners - an award which recognises individuals who have raised the standards of media excellence in their countries. ... --


Thursday, August 30, 2007

Dan Gillmor to speak at Cronkite/ASU

If you have any chance to attend this, do. (If you can't read the image, click on it to see it larger.) For a bit more about Gillmor, see his home page. I'd already planned to hand out a reading from "We the Media" in class, but I'll move it forward so you can have it before he arrives.

Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Saturday, August 25, 2007

Charmed by tango video

"Tango in Central Park" is part of a video collection of summer rituals The New York Times is compiling. Great idea for a series. And if you want to share a recollection or read briefs from others, there's a "share" page, too. I'm thinking the theme could spur some class project ideas...

Thursday, August 23, 2007

Society's impact on the Internet

The other night we discussed how internet is changing how society gets its news and interprets events. In fact, most discussions in today's communication classes focus on how online media is reshaping the industry. That's why when I heard about Google being accused of being sexist, I had to check it out. This story surfaced a couple of months ago, so it may be old news to some of you. However, I hadn't read Google's official response. Basically, the story goes that if you type "she invents" into Google's search engine, Google suggests "he invents" as an alternative. On the other hand, if you type in "she cooks" it does not suggest a male alternative. According to Google, the suggestions are based on "spell-checking algorithms which use cues from from user input" (Nick Denton, As Denton so appropriately states in his online post, "It's the world that's sexist; we just index it."

Information collected from an online post by Nick Denton, "Google's Sexism" posted May 15, 2007 on

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Obama objects to "Obama Girl"

Isn't news wonderful? With perfect timing with regard to last night's discussion, a story is out about unintended effects of the OG video. It's not going down so well with the candidate's family. His daughter asks, doesn't Daddy already have a wife?

Welcome to Fall Semester 2007

I'm looking forward to Cronkbyte reigniting with the start of a new grad class. Alums and guests are most welcome to continue their contributions as well. If last night's lively and rich discussion of how Internet video is changing the political environment is any guide, we're in for a rewarding 16 weeks.
As promised, here are the links to videos we watched and talked about:

* Emergency Cheese's latest,
* all of James Kotecki's Emergency Cheese political videos,
* "I got a crush on Obama," Obama Girl,
* Hillary Clinton's "Sopranos" spoof,
* Grey Blackwell's "Law and Order," (Flash animation)
* Two of Slate V's "Damned Spot" episodes,
* The "Dean Scream" as recorded from the audience, and
* The DS as recorded by Fox (similar to recordings from other large news organizations).

After I got home last night, I found an article that lends credence and context to the "audience" recording.

Last, here are some bonus links to videos I held off on last night:
* Hillary Clinton: "Vote Different" ad,
* Apple Computer's 1984 commercial, launched during the Super Bowl.
* "Great moments in presidential speeches"

The Mother Jones Politics 2.0/Fight Different section for the assignment can be found here (or at least you can get to the parts from there).

Thanks for a great opening night. See you next Monday.