Saturday, May 12, 2007

Local reporting outsourced

This one's from Forbes. Beyond copy edits, a Pasadena Web site is getting local news covered by reporters in India. I'm curious to see the difference in reportage or what others feel about this.

Also, what happens to things like developing contacts and sources? Or is it all now done over the phone or online?

Sunday, May 6, 2007

New link for Cronkite Webcam

Closer to the building site! Will be linked to Cronkite Web page soon.

Saturday, May 5, 2007

Image Wall at Bloglines

Here's what Bloglines has to say about its new offering:

The hard-working engineers at Bloglines spend most of their time bringing you your favorite blog & feed content... but they've also been known to come up with some cool stuff above and beyond the call of duty. Presenting: The Bloglines Image Wall.
Here's the deal. Bloglines indexes zillions of pages every hour -- and just as many images. The Bloglines Image Wall picks up these images as they come in and places them into a constantly updated grid. You'll never see the Wall the same way twice - in fact, it changes right before your eyes. Curious, funny, challenging, good, bad, and ugly - it's all there. The variety alone is fascinating.

It's a great way to see what's happening in the blogosphere at any moment in time. And each image is clickable, taking you to its source blog or feed in Bloglines with a handy subscribe link at the top if you like what you see. The Image Wall is a whole new way to discover new content. It's interesting -- sometimes mesmerizing -- and just plain fun. See for yourself!
-The Bloglines Team

Want some basic Flash tutorials?

If so, take a look at these 10-minute screencasts done by Mindy McAdams, who wrote *the* book on Flash journalism and teaches at the University of Florida.

Friday, May 4, 2007

Politicians, Bloggers Request Presidential Debates to be CC Licensced

Barack Obama has sent a letter to Chairman Dean of the DNC requesting that recordings of the presidential debates shun traditional copyright. Instead, he suggests using Creative Commons licensing to make sharing completely legal. If this goes through, I'm wondering if the less successful debate participants will regret the free use as they see slip ups, funny yells, and contradictions endlessly mashed up by YouTubers.

Barack's letter was part of a bi-partisan campaign that also sent a letter to the RNC. More details are in the Washington Post article.

Lawrence Lessig gives an expected nod on his blog as well.

Thursday, May 3, 2007

USAT's top 25 'Net landmarks

A chunked timeline with room for comments at the end. I swear that one of them said "No Al Gore?" when I looked earlier, but I can't find it now. (Chris S.: World of Warcraft is in #25.)

Wednesday, May 2, 2007

It could -- it should - have been...

a multimedia graphic! This ran today on the front page of the Houston Chronicle. Think how much could have been done with it if it had been interactive. The graphic ran online, but it was the "flat" print version.

Tuesday, May 1, 2007

Med student, H.S. teacher are Kristof picks

Next time, Sonu! :-)

Columbia J-School grad students win Webby

This one won both the Webby and the People's Voice awards in the Student category. The other nominees were the University of Miami, which entered a multimedia exploration of different foods (Crave Miami) and the Staffordshire University with Hello Staffs. It could take hours to go through the whole list but there's lots of good inspiration there. Enjoy.

The Guardian won for newspaper sites, New York Times got People's Voice. For magazines, Media Storm and Salon.