Welcome to Fall Semester 2007
I'm looking forward to Cronkbyte reigniting with the start of a new grad class. Alums and guests are most welcome to continue their contributions as well. If last night's lively and rich discussion of how Internet video is changing the political environment is any guide, we're in for a rewarding 16 weeks.
As promised, here are the links to videos we watched and talked about:
* Emergency Cheese's latest,
* all of James Kotecki's Emergency Cheese political videos,
* "I got a crush on Obama," Obama Girl,
* Hillary Clinton's "Sopranos" spoof,
* Grey Blackwell's "Law and Order," (Flash animation)
* Two of Slate V's "Damned Spot" episodes,
* The "Dean Scream" as recorded from the audience, and
* The DS as recorded by Fox (similar to recordings from other large news organizations).
After I got home last night, I found an article that lends credence and context to the "audience" recording.
Last, here are some bonus links to videos I held off on last night:
* Hillary Clinton: "Vote Different" ad,
* Apple Computer's 1984 commercial, launched during the Super Bowl.
* "Great moments in presidential speeches"
The Mother Jones Politics 2.0/Fight Different section for the assignment can be found here (or at least you can get to the parts from there).
Thanks for a great opening night. See you next Monday.
alright - i'm a homework assignment! i feel so honored!
hopefully i become the homework you love, not the homework you hate. good luck in the class, looks pretty awesome.
and feel free to email me - but not to help you cheat.
- james kotecki
Okay, I'm psyched, too. You commented! By the way, a former colleague of yours from page school is in the class: Samuel Burke. Happy Cheesing from a loyal fan...
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