Sunday, September 30, 2007

Living to the end

The story of Lovelle Svart's death ran in the Oregonian today, the culmination of months chronicling, in multimedia, the last months of a woman who chose to end her life legally under Oregon's Death With Dignity provision -- and who suggested the series. The project incorporates videos -- the last one made about half an hour before Ms. Svart took her final medication -- as well as stories, photographs and document reproductions. Probably the best way into this moving work is through the introduction, although I read the "obit" first then had to know more. UPDATE: Considerations on running the project are in the Editor's Blog.

Thursday, September 27, 2007

Late nights and a busy May

I just investigated the "Web History" feature in Google and discovered a great way to rediscover lost links -- as well as a strange sort of diary left by my tracks in cyberspace. The chart here is from clicking on "trends" and it shows the "all time" results of when I searched -- other options are available, like the past seven days, 30 days, etc. These are Google searches only (those I did on other computers or through other engines are not included) and I'm assuming these have only been tracked since I gained a google e-mail address, which I rarely use but which tracks me all the same. May shows a lot of activity because I was working on a book then and in early June. Interesting stuff.

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Marketing, branding and more

For those people that are interested in marketing and branding, this blog routinely has great information and insight into the industry. I really enjoy reading it.

Saturday, September 22, 2007

Election Coverage on the Internet

Google has recently rolled out a new web center for the 2007 Australia Federal Elections. It is complete with different Google tools, such as its maps, and also with Youtube channels for each of the candidates and their parties. If this proves to be successful, they will have something similar to this for the 2008 U.S. elections. It is a potential portal for many people to go to, and avoid other news sources that mix opinion in their news coverage.

Australia Elections Page:

Watch Demo Video:

Found us a font poem in an ad

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Video of Florida student, Taser, Kerry Forum

I read about this, I tsk-tsked, I moved on. A few minutes ago, though, I watched a video of the student and the Tasering (you don't actually see it, but you hear it and you're close to where it's happening) and I must say, it's very disturbing. Makes me very happy that we're reporting online and with more than words these days. This is both more and less than the buzz that's accompanied it. An article from Editor & Publisher is here. The Gainesville (Fla.) Sun uploaded the video, which was made by one of its freelancers, to YouTube. What's even more fascinating is looking at some of the other videos made at the same time, shot at different angles, and also uploaded. For example, this one. If you're allergic to bad spelling, be warned, though. The errors in the word-overs could put you into a coma. UPDATE: Here's a CBS report (text and video) on the ensuing debate.

no txtng n phx

The Phoenix City Council today approved an ordinance prohibiting the use of text messaging while operating a motor vehicle.
This action comes after recent tragedies that have occurred in Arizona and other states involving drivers text messaging while driving a vehicle.
“Composing, sending or receiving text messages while driving is extremely distracting and dangerous for drivers and puts everyone who is using the roadway at risk,” said Councilman Greg Stanton, who spearheaded the effort.
“This new ordinance will protect those using the road and help prevent further tragedies.”
The ordinance will take effect immediately, however there will be a 30-day warning period from Sept. 20 to Oct. 19.
More here.

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Google launches Australian election package

I was clued into this multimedia reporting package by Alan Mutter's Newsosaur. Here's what he has to say:

Google is road-testing a major initiative capable of hijacking a good deal of the web traffic the mainstream media ordinarily would get during the 2008 election in the United States.

There are Google Map mashups of voting districts (with satellite views), collections of YouTube candidate videos, and ready-made search buttons. It makes so much sense. See what you think.

Monday, September 17, 2007

"Newsosaur" Mutter goes "Beyond Web 2.0" in Stauffer tomorrow

Veteran journalist Alan Mutter, creator of the "Newsosaur" blog, is a much-read and respected consultant on new media and technology. You're all invited to hear and speak with him. Tuesday, 3:15, Reading Room. See you there.

Did this deserve to be censored? The Sally Field acceptance speech:

Or is "censored" too strong a word? The clip is from Canadian television via Huffington Post. Here's how CBS2 reported it:

An expletive uttered by Sally Field as she made an antiwar statement during her acceptance speech for outstanding actress in a drama was cut from the telecast, as was part of her statement.

Field, a two-time Oscar winner, Sunday night claimed the Emmy for best actress in a drama series for her role as Nora Walker on ABC's first-season series "Brothers & Sisters."

"But at the heart of Nora Walker, she is a mother, so surely this belongs to all the mothers of the world," said the 60-year-old Field. "May they be seen, may their work be valued and raised, and to especially the mothers who stand with an open heart and wait, wait for their children to come home from danger, from harm's way, and from war."

As the orchestra began playing music, Field continued, "I'm not finished. I have to finish talking. To war -- oh God, I forgot what I was going to say. And to war, I'm proud, I'm proud of to be one of those women -- and let's face it, if the mothers ruled the world, there would be no goddamn wars in the first place."

Money in mags?

One of the entries in Romenesko this morning gives that impression:

Wall Street Journal to launch monthly Pursuits magazine
New York Times
The magazine about the lifestyles of the rich debuts next September. Robert Frank, a Journal columnist and author "Richistan," a book about wealthy America, is the leading candidate to become editor of Pursuits. || ALSO: New York Post is introducing Page Six Magazine starting this Sunday.
Wonder how they'll interpret them in their online sites.

Sunday, September 16, 2007

1st online-only presidential mashup

Yahoo, Huffington Post and Slate sponsored a forum on Sept. 12, moderated by Charlie Rose, in which Democratic candidates responded to questions about issues of current concern. The videos are gathered on Slate, along with transcripts and commentary. We live in interesting times...

Saturday, September 15, 2007

The Amazing Race ... to the moon!

The money is there.
The technology is ready.
Now all we need is the human race to catch up.
Perhaps pretty soon, we will see the launch (pun intended) of "Google Space?"


Friday, September 14, 2007

Video letter to the editor?

The New York Times posted its first one today. It introduces it with: "Charles Ferguson, a filmmaker, presents a rebuttal to claims made by L. Paul Bremer III that top American officials approved the decision to disband the Iraqi army."

See anyone you know?

Star in Your Own JibJab! It's Free!
JibJab has offered two more "star yourself" cartoon options...

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Online Journalism Award finalists...

The ONA and USC Annenberg School for Communication are pleased to announce the finalists in the 2007 Online Journalism Awards. You can find the complete list of finalists on our website at

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Air guitar, funerals and cartoons...

I'm going to post the links you handed in as examples of multimedia types. It'll take up so much room here, though, that I'm going to do it as comments. So click on through... and enjoy! (The image above is from a video report of Pavarotti's memorial services. See Elyse's links.)

Sunday, September 2, 2007

The Future of Paper

Several electronic companies have begun to experiment with electronic paper, or e-paper. It combines the convenience of mobile technology and limitless information with the comfort of a larger screen and a more flexible format.

Read more about the technology behind e-paper at

For a display by the Phillips Corporation go to:

Saturday, September 1, 2007

Google cuts right to the news chase

Danny Sanchez, who writes Journalistopia, has a nice package about Google's announcement it will carry AP and other news service material and link directly to pages dedicated to that service. In the past, Google directed searchers to various news Web sites (newspapers, broadcasters) that were AP (etc.) members. As he points out, this is significant.