Friday, February 8, 2008

Tracking the Election

The New York Times created this handy Election Guide so you can track your favorite candidate's progress through primary season and beyond. I especially liked the state maps that show how each county voted, as well as how many people voted. It was interesting to compare how many Republican and Democratic voters turned out in each state.

They also have a feature where people can post photos of their polling place - this is a picture of a frozen polling location in Flagstaff, Arizona.

1 comment:

ljt said...

I'm so glad you found this! It's a marvelous site and is getting a fair amount of link love (blogs are talking about it and linking to it). I was also impressed by the refer (promotion device) the NYT used on its home page to get people to click in to the main site. It was a "vox pop" (voice of the people -- like a "man on the street" interview) that offered pictures of the speaker and a sound clip on a loop that had several people. At least one of the "pops" was in Spanish.