Friday, January 25, 2008

Diversity -- and free advertising

Pepsi's Super Bowl ad is already making the e-rounds. This time, the "talk" factor is that there is no talking: it's a video of a conversation in sign language with screen subtitles. Take a look. Does it cross a line or is it an interesting way to disseminate a worthy message?


Ashley said...

I think it is very amusing and makes you sit up and pay attention. I don't think it crosses any lines-- it shows the guys in a truck as regular guys. It does play off their disability for the joke but not in a mean spirited way (in my opinion!). Its nice to see something different with more than a product for the message.

kjr said...

I think the ad is pretty clever, and not done in poor taste. It's interesting to me that Pepsi chose to go with more of a PSA than a product ad for the Super Bowl.